The Swedish decline in childhood obesity
Data from Sweden has indicated that childhood obesity may be on the decrease in Sweden. A study has shown that the percentage of overweight and obese boys of 8 years old has decreased to it’s lowest level since the early 1990s. The researchers used data from the BMI Epidemiology Study (BEST) in Gothenburg, which has been collecting measurements from school health care systems for children born in 1946 onwards. In total, the study analysed data from 13 age groups of children born at five year intervals from 1946 to 2006. Each group consisted of 425, but this number was expanded when the researchers began to notice the reduction in obesity rates.
It was found that there was a clear reduction in mean BMI, overweight and obesity, however whilst this trend has been observed, the overall rates are still very high. The researchers are keen to point out that whilst they are not sure what has caused the decrease, we must continue on this trend in order to bring rates down even further. They also plan to conduct a similar study on girls in the near future.